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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/10/2008
October 10, 2008
Meeting opened at 7:16 pm. 
Present:  M. Dempsey, T. Schaefer, C. Keene, J. Stewart, S. Sexton
ConCom Business:  M. Dempsey made a motion to accept the September 10, 2008 minutes as submitted.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous. 
ConCom Business:  Annual seasonal restriction site visits are tentatively scheduled for  October 25th at 8:00 am. 
ConCom Business:  COC for 860 Salem Street/Chesterton was signed.
ConCom Business:  M. Dempsey gave an update regarding an open space purchase.  CPC, Open Space and Trails, and ConCom are working to purchase 6 acres that adjoin Meadowpond Reservation near Stephenson’s Way. 
ConCom Business - Mill St. Extension – off of Center Street.  The Highway Dept. is planning on fixing a culvert that goes under the road.  ConCom told them to stop until the complete a site visit.  Claudia McKee and Mike Dempsey met with Bob Arekalian this week, and hee is in agreement.  They will hire someone to look at the entire water shed, and make a plan for the entire watershed instead of taking care of one area at a time.  
10 Evergreen, Lot 7 – Informal
Charlie Plumber plans to build a garage and received advice on it’s location.  He was advised to file a GNOI permit.  Informal hearing ended 7:30 pm. 
Susan Sexton arrived 7:32 pm. 
Shanahan Field – continued
Opened 7:37 pm. 
Present:  Joe D’Amore.  Jessica Morrison.  Abutters.
Jessica Morrison submitted new copies of plans.  The project is to make a small practice field to segregate the smallest players from older players.  J. D’Amore said the parking issue is a police matter and should be presented to the Selectmen.  The overall solution is to reduce the volume of use of the field. 
In response to the site walk; the original field was further into the wooded area.  It’s been pulled down so it’s line with the other field.  There will be no filling. They’ve added a fence to prevent soccer balls from going into the roadway.  They can put in gates and signs noting that the Merrimack River is behind the fence.  It is in line with the southern extent with the other field.  Moved about 35-40’.  
An abutter would like to see the parking issue get resolved first before adding another field.  She says it’s a severe and dangerous situation that will only get worse.   J. Morrison said no additional people will be using the field.  They are not increasing the volume.  J. D’Amore said they can’t take care of the parking issue, and that it’s a police matter.  M. Dempsey suggested the abutters speak to the Selectmen. 
J. D’Amore submitted photos.  He suggests a slight amount of very thoughtful development for the trail.  Little bit of clearing so people can see a little bit of the river.  Right now there’s overgrowth.  It’s an unusable trash heap.  NHESP said there was no impact to wetlands or endangered species.  
T. Schaefer asked if the trees represented on the map are accurate.  J. Morrison said they were.  An abutter is disappointed that it’s coming closer to her home and doesn’t like the fence.  She believes kids will be more curious to what’s on the other side.  C. Keene asked how much money and what organization will maintain it.  J. D’Amore said the Groveland Youth Soccer will budget to maintain it and is responsible for managing the field.  They are the appointed agent selected by the Selectmen to manage the field. 
S. Sexton would like to see the fields be maintained organically because it’s in the riparian area.   J. D’Amore said that would be significantly more expensive and labor intensive and there’s limited funds.  He hopes to maintain the fields with additional irrigation and less use.  T. Schaefer suggested discussing with Tracy Sales and Gabrielle Stebbins from Merrimack Watershed. 
C. Keene would like to see money spent on improving the existing trail rather than to cut out new trail.  It will create an attractive nuisance.  The river is a dangerous place to be.  J. Morrison said if a fence is installed, it will be safer and more limited than it is now.  They can push fence back into the wooded area.  
Wording/stipulation can be added to the permit regarding maintenance, binding on the Selectmen, holding that Groveland Youth Soccer organization accountable.   The Conservation Commission can do a yearly inspection.   
J. Stewart made a motion to table the until the next meeting.  C. Keene 2nd.  3 voted yes, 1 voted no, 1 voted to abstain.  Hearing closed 8:55 pm. 

10-12 Hales Court – GNOI
Present:  John Whyman.  Hearing opened 9:00 pm 
This is a follow-up from an Emergency septic system order given to John Whyman for his failed septic system.  It was a regular repair for a failed system on a non-conforming lot.  No variances were taken on the design.  The system was installed; haybales and silt fence were inspected and approved by ConCom.  The system is backfilled and ready to be hydro-seeded.  Lawn is maintained and not disturbed beyond silt fence.  Grading was done per the plan.  ConCom advised the owner to leave the silt fence and haybales through the winter until the spring and when grass has grown again.. The work was done in one week.  M. Dempsey made a motion that ConCom approve the plan for 10-12 Hales Court replacement septic system as installed under the emergency certification.  T. Schaefer 2nd.  All in favor.  Unanimous.  Closed 9:10 pm. 
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Felch
Administrative Agent